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What level is your essay?


Knowledge and understanding (Middle-High School)


Understanding ideas and concepts (High School-College)


Application of known ideas and concepts (College-University)


Critiquing ideas and concepts to reach new solutions (University)


Researching new areas and providing hitherto unknown insight (Post-graduate)

The above are what students need to develop as they evolve ever forwards in their drive towards higher education. In simplistic terms, students first need to develop their knowledge. Once they have a background in a particular area they will then need to look deeper into the ideas and concepts which lay the foundation for that knowledge. If they can do this, then they have moved forward in the educational sense. If they merely learn more and more knowledge, no matter how much they think they know, they will not be moving forwards. Once ideas and concepts are understood from different angles, students will then be able to begin to critique the pros and cons of each. Again, understanding underlying ideas and concepts is but yet another step and not an end in itself. If the student progresses s/he will eventually move into research and, hopefully, discover things that the next generation will learn and debate.


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Last modified: 02-11-2013